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ROI Analysis &
Price Modeling

Who We Help

• Lack of value quantification allows prospects to deprioritize commitment, slowing sales cycle
• Deals are pouring in, but customer retention is costly and margins are under pressure
• A new potential revenue stream to capitalize upon has been identified on a current product
• Some customer segments are more profitable than others, but the reasons are unclear

What We Do

The soft skills of telling a compelling sales story and the quantitative skills in modeling a company’s financial engine could not be more different. With today’s consensus decision making, stakeholders with vastly different priorities must understand the value of a solution before winning the organization’s commitment – both the story and the data are required.

There are not many who enjoy the labors involved in breaking down the ROI produced feature by feature and granularly pinpointing each cost driver. Leadership teams can be so enamored with the vision and strategy that such a mundane effort can be viewed as slowing things down. However, your company’s story is so much more powerful when augmented by a ground-up financial model of your offering. Your prospect champions are able to gain consensus faster, leading to more sales. Plus, the business is in a vastly better position to direct investments and forecast scale with these tools.

The Project

  1. Discovery Sessions

  2. Collaborative Decisioning

  3. Documentation Period

  4. Delivery Presentations

  5. Execution Period (Optional)

The Deliverables

  1. Customer/Prospect ROI Calculator

  2. Solution Price Calculator

  3. Internal Cost Driver Calculator

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Retail Technology Partners


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